Eva speaks of frosty relationship with TP since divorce

Actress Eva Longoria told Ellen DeGeneres that her relationship with her former husband Tony Parker has come to an abrupt conclusion over the past several months.

Longoria told DeGeneres that , with whom she was married from 2007-10.

She told GeGeneres that she learned a hard lesson during her marriage.

“Being a woman, I realized you cannot identify yourself through a man or through your marriage,” Longoria said, prompting DeGeneres to high-five her. 

“I think it’s our nature to be socially constructed that way,” Longoria added. “To just be inferior or subservient and you don’t have to be. You can be yourself and really hold your own by yourself no matter what partnership you’re in.”

Longoria, 36, is in a new relationship with Eduardo Cruz, the 26-year-old younger brother of actress Penelope Cruz.

“I’m in a happy place,” she told DeGeneres. “Everyone says I look younger… Everyone keeps saying, ‘You’ve never looked better. I think divorce agrees with me!”

Parker once appeared on the show with his former wife, as she and DeGeneres threw softballs that tried to knock him from a perch.

This time, his mention wasn’t nearly as positive or supportive as before.

Videos: You Tube.

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