I’m back.
After 3,745 miles, nine states and 127 gallons of gasoline spread over the last two weeks our family vacation finally is over.
The Griswolds only thought they had all the fun.
But after introducing my 6-year-old to a little American culture with a trip to Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills, I’m ready for work again.
The NFL apparently has shown their NBA brethren that settling lockouts isn’t exactly impossible.
We can only hope their athletic camrades in sneakers learned something watching this play out.
The world of the Spurs and the NBA hasn’t been silent since I’ve been gone. And there’s a lot to catch up with.
Thanks again to Jeff McDonald and Mike Monroe for picking up the slack while I was gone. I owe you guys one.
And thanks to the management at the Express-News, who unlike my bosses at jobs in the recent past realize that vacations are healthy and even productive for their workers.
Now where do I start?